Unicorn OGURA CAKE. Ogura cake uses the same method as chiffon cake. You whisk egg yolks and oil, then fold in flour and a non-fat liquid, followed by whisked egg whites. Soft, moist, and not too sweet.
Belom move on dari Ogura.xixixixi Setelah ogura lemon,taro,pandan,cokelat,sekarang.
Ogura cake is a type of cake.
It's a light fluffy chiffon cake.
Kamu dapat membuat Unicorn OGURA CAKE menggunakan 14 bahan dan 10 langkah. Pelajari cara memasak Unicorn OGURA CAKE yang praktis.
Bahan-bahan membuat Unicorn OGURA CAKE :
- 🦄Bahan I :.
- Kuning telur.
- Telur utuh.
- Minyak.
- Santan instan kental.
- Terigu protein rendah/kunci biru.
- Vanilla essence.
- 🦄Bahan II :.
- Putih telur.
- Garam.
- Air jeruk nipis.
- Gula pasir.
- 🦄Bahan tambahan :.
- Pewarna makanan pink, kuning, biru, ungu.
A basic cake is more dense and does not The difference there is is that Ogura cake shrinks a bit after being removed from the oven so to. An easy funfetti Unicorn Cake recipe adorned in pastel buttercream and topped with a golden horn will bring magic to any occasion! This Zebra Ogura cake recipe shows you how to make the best ogura cake with beautiful zebra pattern through a video tutorial and tons of tips. Home › Cakes › Baked Cakes › Orange Ogura Cake 香橙相思蛋糕.
Instruksi memasak Unicorn OGURA CAKE
- Aduk rata bahan I dengan whisk sampai rata.
- Kocok putih telur, garam dan air jeruk nipis sampai berbusa. Masukkan gula pasir bertahap dan kocok sampai soft peak.
- Masukkan adonan putih telur bertahap ke adonan I, aduk balik dg spatula.
- Bagi adonan jadi 4, beri warna @ 3 tetes. Abaikan wadahnya ya😄 no pencitraan yg penting irit cucian😄😄.
- Tuang selang seling ke loyang 20/22 yg sudah dialasi baking paper.
- Oven dengan suhu 160-170°C dg tehnik au bain marie selama selama 55-60 menit (vy : 30 menit pertama suhu 160° lalu turunin 150° sesuaikan masing2 oven sj yaa). 🦄NOTE : Au bain marie adlh tehnik oven dg cara loyang adonan direndam ke dalam loyang yg lebih besar yg berisi air panas setinggi kurleb 1 cm atau setinggi 1/4 loyang).
- Porinya cantikk... teksturnya soft kempus2😍😍.
- Tunggu dingin dulu... baru dipotong2.
- Cantekknyaa😍😍.
- Tipis lentur😍😍... abaikan warna foto yg berbeda krn efek mendung😄.
Recently, there have been many posts on Ogura Cake by the baking bloggers. Haz clic ahora para jugar a Unicorn Cake Cooking. Let cakes cool on a cooling rack completely before assembling. Using a hand mixer, mix powdered Assemble the cake by placing one round cake on the serving dish and spread a layer of plain. Please refer here for my other Ogura Cakes posts!